Tuesday, April 9, 2013

2 years, 4 months old

Ashlan turned 28 months on April 3!!  Man, time is flying by so fast and she continues to amaze us daily.  Seeing how she was as a baby, never could we have imagined how sweet, helpful, generous, and loving she would turn out to be!  On Sunday, Ashlan helped me with the roast that I put in the crockpot.  She always says, "Let me help you", so I let her, lol.  She unwrapped the bouillon cubes that we used and then threw the wrapper away.  She also dumped the carrots into the crockpot, and the potatoes that I cut up.  I am so lucky to have a daughter that helps me!  I guess what goes around, comes around- right, Mom?  ;)  She also helps me empty out the dishwasher almost every time unless she’s sleeping.  She will put all the non-breakable items on the counter, so then I stack them and put them away.  She also will help me load the dryer.  I will take everything from the washer and put it on the dryer door, and she will push it in.  She loves to help.  She's been doing those last two things for months now.  I think the laundry thing started almost when she could walk, lol.  Recently, she has also been helping me clean the dining and nook table, and the sliding glass door.  I give her a paper towel or a cleaning wipe, and she will wipe the heck out of whatever it is.  When we did the sliding glass door, I stood on the opposite side and sprayed and started to wipe.  She thought I sprayed her side and was vigorously wiping so the Windex wouldn't drip lower.  I was holding back my laughter because she was trying so hard, yet it wasn't even on her side!  She is such a joy to be with every day!!  

Another big thing is her independence now to go to the bathroom by herself.  She still can't get her pants down yet, but she can take her underwear off, so we just leave her with underwear on because of that and because it's warm here.  On Saturday, she had just gone potty (that I helped her with), so I figured she was good to go for awhile and that I could vacuum her room.  When I stopped vacuuming, I heard a door handle jingle.  I went into the bathroom and Ashlan was coming out of the toilet room.  She exclaimed happily that she went potty.  She even wiped herself!  Of course, I did it too just to be sure, but I couldn't believe how independent she has become.  When I go in the bathroom with her, she closes the door in my face and tells me to leave, lol.  We’re so proud of how far she's come in less than two months!!

So Ashlan's room is pretty much done.  The tower came in the mail a few days ago, so I put that up and also put up the rest of the Rapunzel suns that I made around that, and the quote.  I still want to get her some pillowcases and window treatments though, and I'm not really happy with the way the crown and tulle turned out (above her bed), so I might get more tulle, lol.  It doesn't look fluffy enough for me, too sparse!  But she loves it…and that’s what matters.  When we go in there, she proudly shows me Rapunzel and the tower, and says her hair is like Rapunzel’s.  Too cute.  

Another thing that Ashlan loves to do lately is "paint" cookies.  We originally made the first batch back in late January or maybe February because I didn't have time to do it around Christmas.  We have since done it a bunch more times and she never gets tired of it.  She is pretty particular too- she will cover almost every inch of the cookie in paint (egg yolk & dye), and then tells me we need sprinkles on the cookie when she's done painting it. It's so fun to do that with her but not so fun for my diet, lol! 

Trying to help me with the cookie cutouts.  So sweet.  

Painting her Easter cookies.

Helping me with the Easter cookies.

Painting her cookies.

Her first drawing on the wall- I think that's pretty good, considering she's almost 2 1/2!

Eating the cookies she painted.  :)

So diligent.

Rapunzel costume from Nana and Papa.  She LOVES it!!!

Now right hand- ambidextrous!  

An egg hunt with another friend.

Ashlan had a blast looking for eggs!

Swinging at the egg hunt.

We fed the ducks some cheerios.  They seemed to like that.  :)

At the Egg Hunt at Moosehaven.  Glad Ashlan got to do another egg hunt because people weren't very nice with this one- some parent was putting eggs in his 3 year old's basket!  Come on, people!  :(

At the bounce house.

They held hands down the slide the whole way- too sweet!!

Check out her face!!  LOL!  Priceless!!  (And she wanted to go down that one!)

Being a great helper with helping me with laundry!  <3

Ashlan's other wall in her room.

And even helping me weed!  I'm so lucky!!!

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