Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thanksgiving trip

This is from December 7th- I just never had time to post it.

Oh, I don’t even know where to begin!  I took 238 pictures while we were on our two week vaca to see family, so there will probably be way more photos than commentary, lol. 

But a little commentary first from before we left on our trip.  We were at the gym before we left and one of the girls at the gym daycare told me a cute story about Ashlan.  Apparently, a little girl fell down by Ashlan.  Ashlan immediately looked at her and asked her if she was ok!  Lol!  We must be doing something right, haha!  I’m so glad she is learning compassion this early.  I hope she continues down that path.  She probably heard us ask Caesar that before but I’m excited that she thought to ask someone else that, and in the appropriate scenario.  Then another time we were leaving the gym and walking out into the parking lot.  There was a lady walking in with her three kids that I recognized that go there a lot.  We were about two aisles away from them, starting to walk down the row, and Ashlan suddenly starts waving her arm at the family and starts screaming what sounded like, “Hi Airy, Hi Airy”.  The mother looked at me and I looked at her.  Then I yelled to her and asked her what her littlest ones name was.  She said it was Mary.  So Mary starts waving back to Ashlan, haha.  I thought it was so cute that Ashlan actually somehow learned her name without me saying it to her.  I’m glad she’s making friends already.  :)

We learned about a month and a half ago that Caesar is in the beginning stages of congestive heart failure.  He’s 10.5 years old and we certainly didn’t think he’d make it this long with all the issues he has, but he continues to surprise us.  BUT, now he’s on another long term medication, this time for fluid in his lungs.  His heart murmur has gotten worse, so we’re trying a different medication on that, and he is still on his seizure medications as well.  Anyway, I was having a rough time with Caesar’s heart failure condition when we first learned about it, since he had been in the Animal ER earlier the night before.  I didn’t mean for it to happen, but Ashlan saw me crying.  She looked at me, put her hand on my shoulder and said, “No cry, mommy.  No cry.”  I have NO idea how she has learned this much compassion already, but she is just amazing in my eyes.  She wasn’t even two yet when that happened. 

Just the things she says continues to impress us.  It seems like she learns new vocabulary and phrases every day.  We were “wrestling” on the floor the other day and she bumped me in the eye pretty good.  I said, “Oww, you hurt mommy” and immediately she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to”, and throws her arms around me to hug me, saying “Awww”.  Lol!  She is so sweet.  A few weeks ago, we were chasing her around the house (her request, she said, “Daddy, you chase me”) and she just stopped after what seemed like ages of us chasing her, and was all out of breath and stated matter-of-factly, “I sweaty”. 

Here’s a funny story about Ashlan and one of her Christmas gifts.  I went to Toys’r’Us by myself before we left for our trip to get it and when I came home, I asked Dan to come help me unload it out of the car.  It is a kitchen, so the box is quite large.  Ashlan was intently playing with her toys so we decided to do it right then because we thought she wouldn’t notice.  Well, of course, as Dan and I are walking into the house with it, she comes running to us and I say, “Oh crap!  Hurry up.” because I didn’t want her to see it.  She immediately says, “Oh crap” and continues running towards us.  So Dan and I are already laughing about that and trying to get this box into a room before she sees exactly what it is but she was right on our heels, and after seeing it says, “Oh, thank you!”  Haha.  We were able to distract her with something else and get her out of the room but looks like we won’t be doing something like that in front of her again, lol.  That was only a day or two before our trip and she must have forgotten about it because she hadn’t even tried to get into that bedroom before Christmas, thankfully. 

Ok, onto the pics…I’ll have to do another blog entry, probably of just pics, from her birthday party and Christmas.  I’m so behind!!

Ashlan "riding" her Shamu around the house.

Playing with her laptop.

Swimming in hotel pool on the way to PA for Thanksgiving.  She loved it!

Ashlan's game.  She was doing circles through the closet in the hotel room and pulling Daddy in with her.  

Grammy and Ashlan looking at a dinosaur book.

Trying out a lacrosse stick.

Aunt Katie was showing her the ropes.

Patient girl.  She was an ANGEL on the trip- both ways.  Turned into quite the little traveler!

At the Children's Museum in Erie.

Watching the snowfall.

We were trying to get a family pic but Ashlan wasn't having it, so we just kissed her instead.  :)

Playing with Aunt Katie.

An early birthday present from Nana and Papa.

Ashlan was so excited for them.

They quickly became a favorite!

Playing piano at Nana and Papas.

Playing piano with Papa.

Ashlan playing with a dollhouse that was gifted to her before she was even born!

She loves it!

Seeing cousin Rose again.

Size difference between our giant and Tony's hobbit.  :)

Ashlan got wired playing in the hallway with Rose.

Hugs goodbye.  She asked for Rose multiple times over the next few days.  <3

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