-I forgot to mention Ashlan had her appointment in January for her three-year. She is still 95th percentile for height and weight. Weight was 39 pounds and height was 39 1/2 inches, but she can fit on the 40 inch rides at Disney now, so she must have gained a little height in a month. She's in 5T pants that need to be rolled a little bit, but needs them for her belly, and she's in 5T shirts and some size 5 shirts as well.
-Ashlan must be a little bit gassy lately and apparently she was tooting in gymnastics class. We were sitting at the kitchen table today, she's eating, and she keeps passing gas. She keeps saying "excuse me" but after a few times, I just said her name in disbelief. So she says, "Yeah, I'm a gassy girl." I started laughing and said, "Where did you hear that from?" because I've never said that phrase to her. She said, "My teacher, Shenel", who is her gymnastics teacher. Poor Shenel, lol. I had to laugh though.
-Today Ashlan and I went to the towncenter to go shopping. We got some stuff for her at Old Navy and Carter's, and some for me at Destination Maternity. Then we went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and I let her play in the play place since she was so good while we shopped. It was nice to get a little mother/daughter shopping in before the baby gets here.
-I've given up on working out for now. That stopped at 8 months. I was just having an increasingly hard time breathing, and my lower back was always bothering me. I'll get back into it after the baby is born. The good news is- I am getting my nesting list done faster bc my mornings are free now! It's easy to do something in the am now and then spend time with Ashlan in the pm.
-I think we're 99% ready for the new baby. The room is completely done, all the clothes are sorted, and the new cloth diapers came in and are already prepped and ready to use. We installed the infant seat already so Ashlan will be used to it, and she keeps asking when "her baby" will be here, lol. She's very helpful already though. Every time I go into the baby's room, she's right there next to me and asks to help. I hope this continues! She has also been a big help lately carrying groceries in from the car (I make the baggers pack light since I have a ton of reusable grocery bags) and even asks if she can help put things away, even though she doesn't know where many things go, lol. We still need the double stroller and video monitor, but I'm ordering those online since it's so much cheaper than in a store.
-So we went and checked out the potential "school" that Ashlan would go to in the fall. It's only a mile from us, which is a major bonus, especially seeing we'll have a newborn soon. We were impressed with the school as a whole and are seriously thinking about starting her part time now instead of waiting until fall. She was so excited about it, and keeps asking to go back. The hours would be 8-1pm, and we'd start out at two days a week. I think that'd be perfect for her. When we went to the three year old classroom, she ran right up to her teacher and said, "Hi, I'm Ashlan and I'm 3 years old", while holding up three fingers, lol. They had her join in on a game, and then she went out to the playground with them. She will have no trouble making friends, that's for sure. She threw a fit when we left too. She kept telling us she wanted to stay at school with her friends, lol. It would give her something to do two days a week and then I could have some time with the baby one on one. She will also keep taking gymnastics, and if we feel she can handle it, we'll start dance one day a week, which is at the school she'll be going to. I'm excited for her to start but I will miss her a ton! She keeps asking if she can go back to school, I told her she will soon but that I'll miss her. She responded that I can visit her and also informed me that she'll be driving herself there, lol.
-For the past week, Ashlan has been completely dry in her pull-up in the morning. We were originally taking her to the potty in the middle of the night but I got too big to do it (since she is almost 40 lbs and we were carrying her) and it just was annoying, so we decided to just let her be and that she'll hold it through the night when she's ready. She's been holding it from about 8-6am so we're very proud of her! Before that, it was hit or miss, but it definitely seems like she's doing it now. Hopefully we'll be done with the nighttime pull-ups on her very soon! I would love not having to pay for them anymore, or diapers for the baby since we'll be cloth diapering again. Will be nice. :)
We went to Disney with Nana and Papa and here she is after her favorite ride (the Maelstrom) that they all rode.
Finally were able to see Belle! First time meeting her.
Chip and Dale were characters, lol.

This is what she was doing while waiting for the band to perform...chasing the squirrel around the garden. Thankfully there was a fence, poor squirrel!

Holy long legs!!!
Dan was working out, and Ashlan decided she wanted to help. I love this picture, lol.
She always wants to be with him, so cute.
Waiting for hair to grow out. :)
Zoo day with daddy.
Baking our Valentine's Day cookies.
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