Tuesday, March 12, 2013

27 months old

A few weeks ago we were getting paint at Home Depot for her new Rapunzel room.  The man mixing the paint sneezed and Ashlan turned to him and said, "Bless you".  Adults don't even do that sometimes.  She is just too sweet.  We did finish painting her room last weekend- well, Dan painted and I edged.  It looks really nice and I can’t wait to get her in there.  I showed her it today and told her it was her new “big girl” room, and she smiled real wide and said, “This is my big girl room.”  So, hopefully the transition won’t be so bad because she looked so excited to have a new place to sleep!  It wasn’t even decorated yet, it was just painted, lol.

We heard her count from 1-10 a few weeks ago but she has since counted up to 14!  I am so proud of her!  It is probably just her memory since I don’t think she understands true counting, but hey, that’s not bad for being 27 months old!  

She is definitely still repeating what we say.  The other day I heard Caesar barking and then heard her say, "Caesar that's enough!"  Lol.  I say that all the time to him.  She also one time pointed to a play horse and said, "Mommy, look- a horsey.  Yeehaw, partner."  I asked her where she heard that from and she repeated “Yeehaw, partner”.  Lol.  I repeated my question and I finally got out of her that they were horsebackriding on The Chica Show and they said that.  So, she is obviously interacting with the shows she does watch.  When a show asks a question, she will answer it and it will usually be the right answer.  I don’t think she would have it memorized because she doesn’t watch TV super often, but she does have an excellent memory, so you never know.

So potty training started two and a half weeks ago.  About four to five days after we started started potty training, we started putting panties on her and she's did fabulous!  I went to the gym the day after (which was the first time with her since starting PT).  I told her she couldn't go potty in her pull-up.  She didn't have an accident and she used the daycare potty when I got there.  So every time I go to the gym, I take her to the bathroom after I'm done working out and she goes then.  We even went to the zoo on Wednesday with a friend and she didn't have an accident there either and went in the big potty there.  Fast forward to yesterday (a little over two weeks of PT), and she told the gym daycare workers that she had to go potty.  They went and found me, I took her to go and she went.  She did great waiting that whole time!  Over the weekend we went to the Celtic festival in St. Augustine on Saturday and Sunday and she had to use a regular toilet because they obviously didn’t have a small one.  She must have gotten used to that because she went on the big potty when we got home and hasn't looked back since!  I thought she'd be on the little potty longer but this works for us!  I definitely thought we'd be coaxing her to use the big one but she went in the bathroom when we got home, pointed to the big potty, and said she wanted to use that one.  Sounds good to me!  This whole process was way easier than I anticipated.  She is still in pull-ups for naps and nighttime but wakes up dry a lot of the time during naps.  I am so happy to be completely done changing diapers!  She growing up so fast though…

We are also slowly moving away from the binky.  The past two days she’s used it only for naps and bedtime, and I tell her no when she asks for it during the day and just distract her.  So far, so good!  So many changes and she’s doing great with them.  

She has been obsessed lately with playing with playdough...

She likes her stamps too- her fingers got ahold of the stamp pad though and then she touched her face, haha.

Another day playing with playdough.  Mommy's creations, lol.

Little stinker climbed into the front when I undid her straps from her seat while I was taking in groceries.  She thought it was hilarious.  

Haha- she was asleep and scooted down, and stayed asleep!  I had to take a pic, and she slept for another 20 min or so like this, lol.

"Helping" mommy.

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