Aila had her 6 month appt about a month ago now, lol. Her stats were:
Weight 16.8 lbs 50%
Height 27.5 95%
Head 17 in 75%
Height is exactly the same as Ashlan's at that age. Weight is about a half pound less than Ashlan though!
We were talking about stories a few days ago and Ashlan kept referring to Hansel and Gretel as "Handsome and Gretel". I thought that was so cute.
We went to Home Depot a few weeks ago to buy shelves for the girls closets. A worker was making small talk and asked Ashlan if she was five yet. She answered incredulously, "Nooo, I'm only three." He looked at me for verification and I said she'll be four in December and he was so surprised, lol. Her birthday is right around the corner though. I can't believe she's almost four! Time is flying!
So we went to Disney two weekends ago. We usually get a one bedroom suite bc it's easier to get Aila to sleep without Ashlan in the room and also just in case Aila stays up later than Ashlan and is loud (rare but happens). So we checked into our hotel room, and noticed a whole bunch of stuff left from the people that were there before us. Turns out they did not check out, and we got a room with people still staying there! Thank god they weren't there when we entered the room! However, because of that they upgraded us to a two bedroom suite. I have to say that we were very spoiled that weekend! I slept in the room with the queen bed with Aila, and Dan slept in the double beds room with Ashlan. We each had our own bathrooms so everyone slept pretty good bc of the lack of interruptions from each other. In fact, Aila slept the best there than she has in months, lol. Overall, we had a great time at Disney though. We finally got to meet Anna and Elsa but it wasn't because fast passes opened up (they are still only available 30+ days out to passholders unless you stay on Disney property, which we never do because of our credit card points). We happened to have a friend who had extra paper fast passes for them and passed them onto us because she couldn't use them. Ashlan was so excited to meet them finally.
Aila is much better in the car now. She actually falls asleep now (when she wants to) without much fuss, if any. She was great on the trip. She also slept on me just fine when it was naptime, and sometimes I transferred her to the stroller from the wrap and she stayed asleep for longer. However, all this baby wearing (which I love!) is making her have a very hard time falling asleep at home. I'm not sure what I'd rather have, lol. I love having her be super easy when we're out, bc I can relax more but we spend more time at home trying to get her to fall asleep and bedtime can be challenging. A lot of times (if we're not out and she falls asleep in the car), I have to wear her and run the vacuum for her to fall asleep! Crazy! I love to wear her and it makes going out super easy but sometimes it's a pain at home. However, my house is the cleanest it's been in awhile, lol. I can easily vacuum almost the whole house everyday and some rooms twice, lol. I don't mind bc I love to wear her and with all babies, everything's a phase, so we'll see how long this lasts. She is seriously out in a few min after I turn on the vacuum though. So different from Ashlan- she hated that thing!
Aila is drinking out of a sippy now. She is also sitting by herself and getting up on all fours. She has army crawled just a bit but is pretty content to just roll anywhere she likes or just push herself backwards either on her back or stomach. I'm in no hurry for her to crawl, but Ashlan is! She's crawling around, trying to show her what to do. They love each other so much. Both want to be around each other when they're not. Keeping them apart from each other so the other won't get sick is sooooo hard, lol.
So that leads me into this...somehow Aila caught enterovirus. Then she gave it to Ashlan, and then Dan. I haven't gotten sick yet so I'm keeping my fingers crossed bc they've all been miserable and I have to take care of them all, lol. No idea how Aila caught it! Her symptoms were not as bad as poor Ashlan's, but Dan said he was reading up on it and they said breastfed babies are more protected than other kids. Poor Ashlan had the gamut wrong with her- sore throat, cough, chest congestion, high fever, stomachache, loss of appetite, rash, raised bumps/blisters, etc. I've never seen her so miserable. Aila had it a few days before but with not so many symptoms, thankfully. However, she was a bear! Lol. And truthfully, Ashlan was too for the first few days! I actually slept on the recliner with Aila on my chest for a night bc I could literally not put her down or she screamed her head off. Poor kid. Not that I don't love to hold her, but for about 36-48 hrs there, I had to hold her around the clock. That virus is no joke. I just don't know how the heck Aila got it. I haven't been to the gym with her in a week or more prior so who knows. No one in Ashlan's school had it from what they told me. They called me to find out more info on what she had bc we obviously pulled her out of school for those days. They said they were bringing in special cleaners during one night and were deep cleaning her classroom just to make sure. I was happy to hear they take precautions like that when one child is out for awhile.
Weight 16.8 lbs 50%
Height 27.5 95%
Head 17 in 75%
Height is exactly the same as Ashlan's at that age. Weight is about a half pound less than Ashlan though!
We were talking about stories a few days ago and Ashlan kept referring to Hansel and Gretel as "Handsome and Gretel". I thought that was so cute.
We went to Home Depot a few weeks ago to buy shelves for the girls closets. A worker was making small talk and asked Ashlan if she was five yet. She answered incredulously, "Nooo, I'm only three." He looked at me for verification and I said she'll be four in December and he was so surprised, lol. Her birthday is right around the corner though. I can't believe she's almost four! Time is flying!
So we went to Disney two weekends ago. We usually get a one bedroom suite bc it's easier to get Aila to sleep without Ashlan in the room and also just in case Aila stays up later than Ashlan and is loud (rare but happens). So we checked into our hotel room, and noticed a whole bunch of stuff left from the people that were there before us. Turns out they did not check out, and we got a room with people still staying there! Thank god they weren't there when we entered the room! However, because of that they upgraded us to a two bedroom suite. I have to say that we were very spoiled that weekend! I slept in the room with the queen bed with Aila, and Dan slept in the double beds room with Ashlan. We each had our own bathrooms so everyone slept pretty good bc of the lack of interruptions from each other. In fact, Aila slept the best there than she has in months, lol. Overall, we had a great time at Disney though. We finally got to meet Anna and Elsa but it wasn't because fast passes opened up (they are still only available 30+ days out to passholders unless you stay on Disney property, which we never do because of our credit card points). We happened to have a friend who had extra paper fast passes for them and passed them onto us because she couldn't use them. Ashlan was so excited to meet them finally.
Aila is much better in the car now. She actually falls asleep now (when she wants to) without much fuss, if any. She was great on the trip. She also slept on me just fine when it was naptime, and sometimes I transferred her to the stroller from the wrap and she stayed asleep for longer. However, all this baby wearing (which I love!) is making her have a very hard time falling asleep at home. I'm not sure what I'd rather have, lol. I love having her be super easy when we're out, bc I can relax more but we spend more time at home trying to get her to fall asleep and bedtime can be challenging. A lot of times (if we're not out and she falls asleep in the car), I have to wear her and run the vacuum for her to fall asleep! Crazy! I love to wear her and it makes going out super easy but sometimes it's a pain at home. However, my house is the cleanest it's been in awhile, lol. I can easily vacuum almost the whole house everyday and some rooms twice, lol. I don't mind bc I love to wear her and with all babies, everything's a phase, so we'll see how long this lasts. She is seriously out in a few min after I turn on the vacuum though. So different from Ashlan- she hated that thing!
Aila is drinking out of a sippy now. She is also sitting by herself and getting up on all fours. She has army crawled just a bit but is pretty content to just roll anywhere she likes or just push herself backwards either on her back or stomach. I'm in no hurry for her to crawl, but Ashlan is! She's crawling around, trying to show her what to do. They love each other so much. Both want to be around each other when they're not. Keeping them apart from each other so the other won't get sick is sooooo hard, lol.
So that leads me into this...somehow Aila caught enterovirus. Then she gave it to Ashlan, and then Dan. I haven't gotten sick yet so I'm keeping my fingers crossed bc they've all been miserable and I have to take care of them all, lol. No idea how Aila caught it! Her symptoms were not as bad as poor Ashlan's, but Dan said he was reading up on it and they said breastfed babies are more protected than other kids. Poor Ashlan had the gamut wrong with her- sore throat, cough, chest congestion, high fever, stomachache, loss of appetite, rash, raised bumps/blisters, etc. I've never seen her so miserable. Aila had it a few days before but with not so many symptoms, thankfully. However, she was a bear! Lol. And truthfully, Ashlan was too for the first few days! I actually slept on the recliner with Aila on my chest for a night bc I could literally not put her down or she screamed her head off. Poor kid. Not that I don't love to hold her, but for about 36-48 hrs there, I had to hold her around the clock. That virus is no joke. I just don't know how the heck Aila got it. I haven't been to the gym with her in a week or more prior so who knows. No one in Ashlan's school had it from what they told me. They called me to find out more info on what she had bc we obviously pulled her out of school for those days. They said they were bringing in special cleaners during one night and were deep cleaning her classroom just to make sure. I was happy to hear they take precautions like that when one child is out for awhile.
Aila's first solo Target trip!
Ashlan wanted a headband like Aila's, lol.
Kisses for Daddy.
At a pumpkin patch...with palm trees. :)
"Mommy, what happened to the lights?"
Ashlan at school.
Uh oh!
October trip at Disney
Check out Aila's hair, lol.
Ashlan was so happy to meet Stitch!
Taking a break for some snuggles.
Halloween. Ashlan loved it.
She wasn't even scared. She was laughing at it!
The enterovirus hit her. Her head was on the wood, lol.
Happy 7 months, Aila!
Double fisting it!
Poor kiddo. :(